PAKISTAN – Investigate the attack on Christian houses now!
15 July 2009 5:02 am

On 1 July 2009 the National
Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) condemned the
attack of Muslims on Christians' houses in the district of Kasur, which
took place on the day before. The commission urged the government to
take a "strict action" on the case.
On 1 July 2009 the National
Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) condemned the
attack of Muslims on Christians' houses in the district of Kasur, which
took place on the day before. The commission urged the government to
take a "strict action" on the case.

Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), a human rights body of the Catholic
Church in Pakistan, has condemned the attack by local Muslims on houses
of Christians at a village Bahmani Wala district Kasur, on June 30,

to fact finding by NCJP the incident was provoked by an announcement from the
Mosque by a cleric at Maan Wala (another nearby village). This Cleric
reportedly spread the rumor that the Christian inhabitants of Bahmani wala have
shown disrespect to Prophet Muhammad. The announcer incited Muslims to kill
Christians and destroy their belongings. The incident led to a massive
destruction. About 100 houses were damaged, valuables (gold jewelry and cash)
were stolen by the attackers. Furniture and house hold articles were also
damaged by the mob.

a joint statement issued by Fr. Emmanuel Yousaf Mani and Peter Jacob, Director
and Executive Secretary of NCJP urged government: to take a strict action,
register a case against the culprits and investigate the incident properly
without any delay. Provide proper compensation to the victims, ensure safety
and security for religious minorities and also, consider repeal of blasphemy
laws, on account of their manifested and repeated abuse.