FORUM-ASIA condemns attack on Peace Activists in Sri Lanka
27 December 2006 6:00 pm

FORUM-ASIA strongly condemns the attack on four staff members of the National Peace Council on December 15, 2006 when they had gone to Hingurakgoda in the Polonnaruwa district to conduct a training workshop on peace and a political solution to the ethnic conflict.
FORUM-ASIA strongly condemns the attack on four staff members of the National Peace Council on December 15, 2006 when they had gone to Hingurakgoda in the Polonnaruwa district to conduct a training workshop on peace and a political solution to the ethnic conflict.

When they reached the location, they had been physically attacked by some elements in a large crowd who had claimed the activists were anti war and working for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and for the separation of the country.  The attack appeared to be politically instigated and pre-meditated as local politicians and supporters from a nationalist alliance had also been present on the scene.

The National Peace Council (NPC) is well known peace organization in Sri Lanka and internationally, who has consistently rejected violence and war, promoted human rights and has advocated a negotiated political solution to the ethnic conflict.  While condemning violence and negative steps towards peace process by the government, the LTTE and other parties, the NPC have continued to dialogue with these parties. Members of various political parties, religious leaders, local and international civil society groups have been actively involved in peace activities of the NPC.

Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated one, but rather, the latest in a series of attacks on peace activists and humanitarian workers. In 2006, as killings, disappearances and displacement of civilians escalated, physical attacks and threats against peace activists and humanitarian workers also escalated. In July and August, two peace activities organized in Kandy district (Central province), one of which was also organized by the NPC was disrupted. Another large peace rally was attacked in the capital Colombo in August.  Several humanitarian workers have been killed, abducted and property and vehicles have also been attacked.

FORUM-ASIA regrets that the government has failed to bring to justice any of the perpetrators of such incidences. Such impunity has encouraged and given rise to continued attacks and threats. Hence, we call on the government to investigate this incident, as well as all other incidences of threats and attacks on peace activists and humanitarian workers and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Sri Lanka was one of the states that adopted the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders in December 1998. In line with this declaration, and other international human rights obligations made, the Sri Lankan government should ensure that rights of peace activists to peacefully advocate their views on the ethnic conflict without being subjected to physical attacks.

For further details, please contact Ruki Fernando (+66-84-0991538 / [email protected])