Solidarity with People’s Struggle in Nepal
23 April 2007 7:00 pm

24 April last year marks a historic victory of the people’s movement in Nepal. Yet today, people in Nepal continues to suffer from human rights violations while new Common Minimum Programme (CMP) of the interim government has not put human rights agenda on its list.

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) express deep solidarity with the ongoing peace process after the historic victory of the people’s movement in Nepal last year. We believe that this event will last forever in the people’s memory through recognising their issues at the constitutional process.

We believe that the peace process will provide credible prospects for peaceful transformation of the armed conflict and will address the long-standing issues of the country. The peace and democratisation process in Nepal should demonstrate credible commitments of political parties towards a concrete peaceful and accommodative state for the solution of the crisis by ending impunity and ensuring the rule of law. We admit that the unity among the seven political parties during and after the royal regime and their resolution to bring Maoists to the democratic fold was an unprecedented development that now needs to be consolidated in establishing an inclusive and just state.

In the latest development, the eight political parties have finalised the Common Minimum Program (CMP) of the interim government giving top priority to promotion of national interest, Loktantra and progression; improvement of security situation; change and reforms in all state systems and immediate relief for conflict-affected people. This spirit should be placed at a high level by implementing all the commitments of the past.

We are concerned over reports of human rights violations taking place in various parts of the country such as during the movement at Tarei region and call upon the current authority to honor the basic norms of human rights, the basic motivation that brought them to victory.

We reaffirm our solidarity with the democratic world community through our continuing presence with the brave people of Nepal. We also believe that the ongoing constitutional process will be embraced if it reflects the genuine aspirations of the people from all corners of the country. A major battle has been won, but the people of Nepal still have a long way to go before they achieve true socio-economic transformation in the country. Our commitment will always emphasize the voices of the Nepali people until the end of their struggle for democracy, peace and human rights.

In solidarity,

Anselmo Lee
Executive Director, FORUM-ASIA

Subodh Raj Pyakurel
Chairperson, INSEC

For further information, please contact Shekh Mohammad Altafur Rahman, Coordinator, South Asia Program, FORUM ASIA. Email: [email protected]; Phone: 0066-02-3918801.