Nepalese King Retreats in the Face of People’s Power
26 April 2006 12:00 am

The announcement by King Gyanendra of Nepal to reinstate the dissolved House of Representatives is a significant victory for the Nepalese people’s struggle for the restoration of democracy and human rights, and signals a crucial leap towards the end of the monarchy’s autocratic and repressive rule in Nepal. FORUM-ASIA salutes the Nepalese people for their courage and determination in struggling against the oppressive regime.

The announcement by King Gyanendra of Nepal to reinstate the dissolved House of Representatives is a significant victory for the Nepalese people’s struggle for the restoration of democracy and human rights, and signals a crucial leap towards the end of the monarchy’s autocratic and repressive rule in Nepal.

FORUM-ASIA salutes the Nepalese people for their courage and determination in struggling against the oppressive regime while condemning the brutalities of the government during the periods of protests, which resulted in the killing of at least 18 people and injuries to thousands more civilians.

The government of King Gyanendra must be directly held accountable for the atrocities committed by the Nepalese security forces against the unarmed protestors, as well as other gross and systematic human rights violations, repressive laws and restriction on basic freedoms imposed since 1 Feb. 2005. We join with the rest of the international human rights community and the Nepalese people in calling for justice for the victims of human rights and political repression, such as trial and conviction of the perpetrators, and compensation for victims.

The struggle for human rights, justice and democracy has reached the more critical stage. Restoring the battered democratic institutions as well as building acceptable and effective institutional and legislative mechanisms for the rule of law and human rights should involve the active participation of civil society especially the human rights community.

We call upon the Seven Party Alliance and the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M) to immediately declare a nationwide ceasefire and pursue a just resolution of the armed conflict through dialogue and political settlement. This should be done within the framework of international human rights and humanitarian laws, and the twelve-point Understanding between the Seven Political Parties and the CPN-M on 22 November 2005, which emphasises democracy, peace, prosperity, complete social change and independence, sovereignty and integrity of the country and expresses institutional commitments to democratic norms and values, especially human rights.

The Seven Party Alliance should fulfill its six-point Joint Declaration for a United Effort to Resolve the National Crisis brought out on 8 May 2005, which speaks about their road-map towards democracy and peace. They should also immediately fulfill their commitments reflected in a joint statement on 25 April 2006, to have broader initiatives to lead the country in a more inclusive and just process.

The king’s regime is forced to retreat in the face of the people's power. The historic sacrifices made by the people who died or were maimed in the struggle for democracy should not be forgotten. One way of enshrining these is for the political parties and the CPN-M to prove to the people that they can lead the country towards a future worth the sacrifices made today.

For more information, please contact Altaf/ Prakash ([email protected]/[email protected] (Tel: +66-02 391 8801)

In solidarity,

Anselmo Lee
Executive Director