FORUM-ASIA’s General Assembly concludes with new Executive Committee elected
30 November 2009 9:01 pm

ga6_nov09.jpgFORUM-ASIA successfully concluded
its two-day 6th General Assembly on 22 November 2009.

The delegates representing member organisations welcomed the legal registration
of the FORUM-ASIA in Geneva and Bangkok. With this process completed,
FORUM-ASIA is now fully registered legally and charting a new course for the
organisation in the coming years.

This historic General Assembly also adopted the new Statute of the organisation
and a set of by-laws, in line its legal registration in Geneva. The General
Assembly also approved six new membership applications, namely People's
Empowerment Foundation of Thailand, Community Self Reliance Center of Nepal,
Dalit Foundation of India, South India Cell for Human Rights Monitoring and
Education, Citizen Council for Human Rights of Japan and National Commission of
Justice and Peace of Pakistan. The total membership of FORUM-ASIA thus expanded
from 40 to 46.

New Executive Committee was elected at the General Assembly. The new Executive Committee for the term
of 2009-2012 are:

Informal Sector Service center (INSEC), Nepal
Community Trust Fund (CTF), Sri Lanka
People's Watch, India
People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
(PSPD), South Korea
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), Malaysia
IMPARSIAL, Indonesia

Subodh Raj Pyakurel (INSEC) was re-elected as its chairperson, and the new treasurer is Crescendia Lucero (TFDP).