FORUM-ASIA’s new Executive Committee
21 November 2009 12:00 pm

ec_nov09.jpgFORUM-ASIA's General Assembly on 22 November 2009 elected the following
seven member organisations as members of the Executive Committee for the period
of three years (2009-2012). The Executive Committee members will hold their
post until the next ordinary meeting of the General Assembly in 2012.

22 November 2009) FORUM-ASIA's General Assembly on 22 November 2009 elected the following
seven member organisations as members of the Executive Committee for the period
of three years (2009-2012). The Executive Committee members will hold their
post until the next ordinary meeting of the General Assembly in 2012. The members are:


Trust Fund (CTF), Sri Lanka

Sector Service Centre (INSEC), Nepal

Watch, India

Human Rights Monitor (IMPARSIAL), Indonesia

Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), Malaysia

Force Detainees of the Philippines
(TFDP), Philippines

Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), South Korea

The General Assembly also elected Subodh
Raj Pyakurel (INSEC) as Chairperson of the organisation for the period of three
years until the next ordinary meeting of the General Assembly in 2012.

Crescencia L. Lucero (TFDP) was elected as Treasurer of the organisation for
the period of three years until the next ordinary meeting of the General
Assembly in 2012.