2012 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions in Asia
8 November 2012 11:23 am
The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), as the secretariat of the Asian NGOs Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI), humbly presents the publication of the 2012 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institution in Asia. Our sincere appreciation goes to all 30 ANNI member organizations from 17 countries, especially to those who contributed to the compilation of reports presenting the evaluation of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs). Similarly, we would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the NHRIs that contributed valuable inputs to the country reports concerned.
Reports submitted by organizations representing 13 countries consider the developments that took place in respective countries within the time frame from January to December 2011 as well as some urgent additional information of developments in 2012. As in previous years the country reports have been prepared following the guidelines formulated by ANNI network in December 2008 and additionally complemented by inclusion of thematic issues such as the role of NHRIs in protecting and promoting human rights defenders and women human rights defenders and NHRIs’ interaction, collaboration and consultation with other human rights mechanisms. We believe that this annual report will continue to promote and strengthen the effectiveness and engagement of NHRI with all stakeholders, especially civil society organizations.
FORUM-ASIA would like to acknowledge the contribution of everyone who dedicated their time and commitment to production of this book, namely Sultana Kamal, Zakir Hossain, Khin Ohmar, YK Chong, Debbie Tsui, Maja Daruwala, Henri Tiphagne, Ikhana Indah Barnasaputri, Dr. Kyung Soo Jung, Ravin Karunanidhi, Fathimath Ibrahim Didi, Bijay Raj Gautam, Professor Liao Fort and Anna Mi-Young Yang for writing
specific country chapter of the report. We would like to extend our gratitude to our sponsors, namely Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Ford Foundation and HIVOS who
provided the financial means for this publication.
In addition, we would like to thank the Steering Committee members of ANNI, Mr. Balasingham Skanthakumar (South Asia), Ms. Sylvia Angelique Umbac (South East Asia) and Shoko Fukui (North East Asia) for their leadership, guidance and assistance in producing this report. Appreciation also goes to the editors, lay-out designer, the staff in the Country Program of FORUM-ASIA as well as all other staff that have assisted in the process.
We hope that this publication will be beneficial for the readers and will contribute to the promotion of effective work of NHRIs and their fruitful collaboration with civil society.