2017 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions in Asia
1 December 2017 4:44 pm
FORUM-ASIA, as the Secretariat of the Asian NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI), is delighted to present the publication of the 2017 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of the National Human Rights Institutions in Asia. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the indefatigable work carried out and the dedication shown by all 36 member-organisations of ANNI. We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to the National Human Rights Institutes (NHRI) that have contributed to the publication.
As in the last years, the 2017 ANNI Report is based on country reports with analysis of national developments throughout 2016 in each of the countries included in the publication. Significant developments of the first quarter of 2017 have also been captured in the analysis. The country reports have been structured in accordance with ANNI Reporting Guidelines that were collectively discussed and formulated by the ANNI members present at the 10th Regional Consultation of ANNI held in Seoul, South Korea in 7-8 March 2017.
The 2017 ANNI Report includes in its analysis independence and effectiveness of the NHRIs, and the trend and level of engagement of the NHRIs with other stakeholders, such as civil society and parliament. Central to the analysis is to highlight positive developments and explore ways to enhance constructive engagement between NHRIs and other stakeholders. We hope this publication will continue to serve as a reference and advocacy tool for all stakeholders engaged in enhancing the role and functioning of NHRIs as public defenders and protectors of human rights on the ground.
For the PDF version of this Report, click here