Asian Highlight – Issue One: Presentation of Special Procedures Reports
11 July 2007 12:00 pm
{mosimage}The first issue of the Asian Highlight on the fifth regular session of the Human Rights Council, Presentation of Special Procedures Reports, details the latest human rights concerns addressed to the Council by offering insight into a number of thematic human rights issues in Asia and a specific country report on Cambodia.
{mosimage}The first issue of the Asian Highlight, “Presentation of Special Procedures Reports”, from the fifth Regular Session (11-13 June 2007) of the Human Rights Council (Council) addresses a number of thematic human rights concerns covering select Asian states and specific analysis on the status of human rights in Cambodia.
The thematic reports present a number of complaints and concerns addressed to the Council’s Special Rapporteurs on the status of the independence of the judiciary, racism, the right to food, environmental rights, adequate housing and extreme poverty in Asia. Responses from specific states and an interactive dialogue presenting state positions in lieu of the complaint or concern follow each Rapporteur’s report.
The report by the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Human Rights in Cambodia details improvements in education, health, economic growth and a favourable mention of Cambodia’s ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The report is however critical of Cambodia’s judicial reforms, levels of corruption and impunity and the state’s failure to apply a rights-based approach to processes of economic, social and political development.
The Asia Highlight reports serve to collate the human rights situation between Geneva and Asia, and present segments of the Council’s regular, special and informal sessions on Northeast, South and Southeast Asia.
Read “Asian Highlight on the 5th Session of the Human Rights Council Issue 1: Special Procedures Report” (in .pdf, 23pp.)