
[Joint Statement] Thailand: End harassment of Suchanee Cloitre, human rights defenders
26 October 2020 1:27 pm

*Please scroll down for a Thai version of this statement. Thailand: End harassment of Suchanee Cloitre, human rights defenders Baseless criminal defamation cases undercut labor rights protections 26 October 2020 We, the undersigned twelve human rights organizations, call on Thailand’s government to immediately end the harassment through the judicial system of journalist Suchanee Cloitre and [ Read more ]

[Joint Statement] In solidarity with Thailand’s peaceful democracy movement
22 October 2020 5:34 pm

(Jakarta, 22 October 2020) ‒ We, 72 organisations across Asia, stand in solidarity with the peaceful democracy movement in Thailand as it continues to push for fundamental freedoms and democratic reforms, in the midst of government repression. The Government of Thailand should abide by its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ Read more ]

[Statement] Thailand: State of emergency is a violation of international human rights standards
15 October 2020 4:38 pm

(Jakarta, 15 October 2020) ‒ The state of ‘severe’ emergency in Thailand declared in the wee hours of the morning is aimed at centralising the Thai government’s power and preventing the legitimate expression of dissent, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) said today. The rights group said the ‘severe’ emergency, which bans [ Read more ]

[Joint Statement] Thailand: Government Gives Human Rights Award to Abusive Company
13 October 2020 3:24 pm

(Bangkok, 13 October 2020) – The recent Thai Ministry of Justice’s decision to grant a human rights award to a company currently facing trial for human rights abuses casts serious concerns on the government’s commitment to upholding human rights especially in the context of business, said the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), [ Read more ]

Working Paper Series 8: Climate Justice – Navigating the Discourse
30 September 2020 11:42 am

As notably highlighted by the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, climate change represents the ultimate challenge to humankind, with those living in poverty destined to be the most negatively affected group across the globe. In this complex scenario, the concept of climate justice stands out as a [ Read more ]

[Joint Statement] Thailand: Address ongoing threats to life against Lertsak Kumkongsak and environmental human rights defenders
24 September 2020 6:36 pm

Thailand: Address ongoing threats to life against Lertsak Kumkongsak and environmental human rights defenders (Jakarta, 24 September 2020) – The death threats and the ongoing intimidation of an environmental human rights defender (EHRD), Lertsak Kumkongsak showcase the mounting threats faced by human rights defenders in Thailand today. The Government has the obligation to ensure the [ Read more ]

[Joint Statement] Thailand: Protect fundamental freedoms in the upcoming protests
18 September 2020 5:06 pm

Thailand: Protect fundamental freedoms in the upcoming protests (Jakarta, 18 September 2020) ‒ International human rights organisations are calling on the Government of Thailand to observe international human rights laws and standards ahead of a planned protest expected to attract tens of thousands to Bangkok this weekend. ‘We urge the Thai government to observe its commitment to [ Read more ]

Thailand: ANNI Open Letter concerning the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand’s (NHRCT) Statement on requesting all parties in demonstrations adhere to human rights principles and use peaceful means to resolve problems
27 August 2020 9:08 pm

To:  Chairperson What Tingsamitr Cc: Commissioners: Mrs. Chatsuda Chandeeying and Mrs. Prakairatana Thontiravong Commissioner ad interims: Mr. Somn Promaros, Miss Areewan Jatuthong, Mrs. Pirom Sipraset and Mr. Suwat Theparak Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary 5th December, B.E.2550 (2007) 120 Chaengwattana [ Read more ]

[Joint Statement] Thailand: Respect free speech and right to peaceful assembly
13 August 2020 6:03 pm

Thailand: Respect free speech and right to peaceful assembly (Jakarta, 13 August 2020) ‒ The Government of Thailand should end its intimidation and judicial harassment of pro-democracy activists, and respect the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, said Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and Asia Democracy Network (ADN) in a [ Read more ]

[Joint Press Release] Thai Appeal Court decision paves the way for Asia’s first transboundary class action on human rights abuses
31 July 2020 12:47 pm…an-rights-abuses/ For Immediate Release Thai Appeal Court decision paves the way for Asia’s first transboundary class action on human rights abuses (July 31, 2020) – Today, Cambodian plaintiffs representing more than 700 farming families won a landmark appeal allowing them to move forward with their class action against Asia’s largest sugar producer, Mitr Phol. The [ Read more ]