The Philippines

Freedom of Expression under Threat – Perspectives from Media and Human Rights Defenders in Asia
25 July 2019 1:46 pm

As freedom of expression is being curtailed and civic space is shrinking across Asia, few groups are as much under pressure as the media and human rights defenders. Both are facing harassment, incarceration and even being killed in countries across the region. However, in most instances the two do not manage to overcome their differences [ Read more ]

The Philippines: UN Human Rights Council resolution a welcome first step towards accountability
11 July 2019 6:13 pm

(Geneva/Bangkok, 11 July 2019) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) welcomes today’s UN Human Rights Council resolution on the Philippines. The resolution adopted during the 41st regular session of the UN’s premier human rights body requests the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ‘to prepare a comprehensive written report on the [ Read more ]

HRC 41 Side Event: Human Rights Crisis in the Philippines
27 June 2019 4:16 pm

Since the Philippine government initiated its so-called ‘war on drugs’ in June 2016, an estimated 27,000 people have been victims of extrajudicial killings both in police operations and vigilante-style killings. The Philippines has taken steps to shield itself from any domestic or international accountability for the human rights violations in the context of the anti-drugs [ Read more ]

HRC 41 Oral Statement on Item 2: General debate on the High Commissioner’s update
26 June 2019 4:29 pm

41st regular session of the UN Human Rights Council Item 2: General debate on the High Commissioner’s update Oral statement delivered by Rose Trajano On behalf of Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Franciscans International, and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Tuesday, 25 June 2019 Mr President, FORUM-ASIA, Franciscans International and [ Read more ]

Joint Statement – The Philippines: Conduct an investigation into the killings of activists, and take genuine steps towards addressing the violence
21 June 2019 10:37 am

(Bangkok, 21 June 2019) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and Front Line Defenders strongly condemn the unabated killings and violence against activists, human rights defenders, and civil society organisations in the Philippines, particularly those of Leonides ‘Dennis’ Suquena, Ryan Hubilla, Nelly Bagasa, Nonoy Palma, and Neptali Morada earlier this month. [ Read more ]

HRC 41 Side Event: Philippines ‘War on Drugs’ Documentary Screening
18 June 2019 11:02 am

FORUM-ASIA and Human Rights Watch are proud to present the screening of ‘On the President’s Orders’, a revelatory investigation into the extrajudicial murders targeting thousands of suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines. Join us for a discussion with James Jones, Director of ‘On the President’s Orders’ and Ellecer Budit Carlos, Human Rights Defender [ Read more ]

From our member PAHRA, the Philippines – Statement: We will not be silenced
10 May 2019 4:42 pm

We will not be silenced by the disinformation being orchestrated by the Duterte government to stifle dissent. The recent report made by Philippine News Agency (PNA), citing the revocation of the registration of the six non-government organizations including the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its [ Read more ]

Joint Statement: Stop the Attacks against Human Rights Defenders, and Protect Civic Space in the Philippines
8 May 2019 12:59 pm

Stop the Attacks against Human Rights Defenders, and Protect Civic Space in the Philippines (8 May 2019) – We, the undersigned organisations, strongly denounce the recent death threats addressed to Karapatan Secretary General, Cristina Palabay in the Philippines. These threats and the wider attacks against human rights defenders, journalists and civil society representatives signify the [ Read more ]

To the UN Human Rights Council: Hold the Philippines Accountable after ICC/ Rome Statute Withdrawal
18 March 2019 5:50 pm

(Bangkok, 18 March 2019)  – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) regrets the Philippines’ decision to withdraw from the Rome Statute and urges the international community to immediately establish accountability mechanisms to ensure justice for the estimated 27,000 victims of extrajudicial killings of the Government’s ‘war on drugs’.[1] The lack of any [ Read more ]

‘Insights into human rights are not just found in hallowed halls and formal reports, you need to go out on the streets and engage the community.’ – Interview with Micheline Rama, co-founder and Executive Director of Philippine Collective for Modern Heroism (Dakila)
4 March 2019 5:48 pm

For this month’s e-newsletter, FORUM-ASIA talked with Micheline Rama, co-founder and Director of Dakila, a movement-building organisation from the Philippines and new member of FORUM-ASIA. Micheline has been involved in advocacy and activism since she was a student, and became one of the founding members of Dakila, which brings together artists and individuals to create social transformation. Micheline shared with [ Read more ]