HRC 41 Side Event: Philippines ‘War on Drugs’ Documentary Screening
18 June 2019 11:02 am

FORUM-ASIA and Human Rights Watch are proud to present the screening of ‘On the President’s Orders’, a revelatory investigation into the extrajudicial murders targeting thousands of suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines. Join us for a discussion with James Jones, Director of ‘On the President’s Orders’ and Ellecer Budit Carlos, Human Rights Defender from iDEFEND Philippines following the screening.


Date: Thursday, 20 June 2019

Time: 16:00  (Geneva Time)

Venue: Club Suisse de la Presse, Route de Ferney 106, La Pastorale, 1202 Geneva

Discussion with:

  • James Jones, Director of ‘On the President’s Orders’
  • Ellecer Budit Carlos, Human Rights Defender from iDEFEND Philippines