Civil Society Calls for Safe Return of Korean Hostages and Launches “Yellow Ribbon”
6 August 2007 7:00 pm

People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, a FORUM-ASIA member in South Korea, joins together with 78 civil society organisations to call for the safe return of aid workers taken hostage by the Taliban. This statement and public appeal urges the public to join their yellow ribbon campaign.

Today (August 7) 78 civil society organizations focusing on peace, gender, environment, religion and culture gathered to pray for the safe return of the Korean hostages in Afghanistan by releasing a statement urging civil participation in the ‘yellow ribbon’ hanging event

Through their statement , they have come to agreement that it is time to set aside their differences in ideological, religious, and political beliefs and work together to save the lives of the 21 Korean hostages. These organizations have urged the Taliban to immediately release the 21 hostages as well as call on the US government to take a more proactive approach in resolving the issue. They also emphasized that the US, NATO forces and the Afghan government should not take any military action that could jeopardize the lives of the Korean civilians. They requested that the UN and the international community to make all efforts to prevent the victimization of the Korean hostages in the vicious cycle of violence occurring in Afghanistan.

They also announced that the ‘yellow ribbon hanging event’ is to pray for the safe return of the Korean hostages as well to reflect on Korean civil society’s ignorance towards the sacrificial deaths of Afghan civilians and the involvement of the Korean government as it has sent Korean troops to assist the US in its ‘war against terror’. This ‘yellow ribbon ‘ campaign will continue throughout this week online as well as in the front of the KT building in the Gwanghuamun area.

See full text of Public Appeal (in .pdf).