“The people has spoken; Now it is time to implement changes”
10 March 2008 6:25 am

The 12th General Election in Malaysia on 8 March resulted in the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition’s  loss of its two-thirds majority for the first time since 1969. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), a FORUM-ASIA member, issued a statement on 10 March saying that “the election was still far from a clean and fair one”, and urging the newly elected representatives to implement the reforms.
The 12th General Election in Malaysia on 8 March resulted in the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition’s loss of its two-thirds majority for the first time since 1969. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), a FORUM-ASIA member, issued a statement on 10 March saying that “the election was still far from a clean and fair one”, urging the newly elected representatives to implement the reforms.

The statement says that the result of this election shows people’s rejection to the leadership of the Barisan Nasional under Abdullah Badawi and the “racialised politics” that has been practiced in the country for long.  “This is an encouraging sign of political maturity of the Malaysian voters”, SUARAM stated.

While welcoming the result, SUARAM “strongly refutes the claims that the result of this election demonstrates that the electoral system in the country is free and fair, citing reports of electoral fraud and the non-implementation of reforms demanded by civil society. The fundamental principle of ‘one person one vote’ still needs to be restored”. The organisation will continue to push for electoral reforms along with other civil society groups.

The statement also reminds the newly elected representatives to reject racialised politics and racism and implement other reforms.

Please visit the website of Suaram to read the full statement .