153 People Killed in 270 Days of State of Emergency in Bangladesh
14 October 2007 10:29 pm

Odhikar, a FORUM-ASIA member, issued the report “270 Days of State of Emergency -Respect for the due process of law means ending selective application of the law” on 8 October. The report details 153 extrajudicial killings by Bangladeshi law enforcement agencies.

Odhikar, a member organisation of FORUM-ASIA based in Bangladesh,
issued the report “270 Days of State of Emergency -Respect for the due
process of law means ending selective application of the law” on 8
October 2007. The publication marks 270th day of the state of emergency
that was declared by the president of Bangladesh.
In 270 days, 153 people were killed by the country’s law enforcement
agencies. The report expresses “concerns that the Government is not
rigorously applying the due process of law and is, in fact, indulging
in selective application of the law.”
Odhikar is also troubled by corruption of the proposed Truth
Commission, including the Habibur Rahman Khan Commission’s
investigation of the events at Aziz Supermarket on 23 August 2007: law
enforcement agencies raided Dhaka University dormitories and student
accommodations at the supermarket. A number of university staff and
students were beaten up on suspicion of “disturbing peace.”
The organisation calls upon the caretaker government to “make a public
commitment to publish Justice Habibur Rahman Khan’s findings in full”
and “end the State of Emergency.”

To read the whole report, please visit