Engaging ASEAN in the protection, promotion and fulfillment of Child Rights Commission
21 September 2006 6:00 pm

During an informal roundtable discussion on the importance of engaging ASEAN on the promotion and protection of Child Rights Commission, Civil Society groups have recommended that the Commission be made an inter-governmental body and with a legal entity. There were also recommendations that the Commission adheres to international human rights standards and that it works with civil society and National Institutions.During an informal roundtable discussion on the importance of engaging ASEAN on the promotion and protection of the Child Rights Commission on 20 September, Civil Society groups have recommended that the Commission be made an inter-governmental body with a legal entity.

There were also recommendations that the Commission adheres to international human rights standards and that it works with civil society and National Institutions.

The roundtable was organised by Asia and Pacific Regional Resource Centre for Human Rights Education (ARRC) and Southeast Asia Coalition to stop the use of child soldiers (SEACSUCS).

Amnesty International Thailand, Plan International, CIDA (SEARCH), Jesuit Refugee Services, several local Thai NGO’s and child rights organisations were present at the roundtable.

Ray Paulo, from the working group on ASEAN Human Rights (HR) mechanism gave an overview of the ASEAN HR mechanism and how it has progressed so far and what has been the role of the working group.

Prof. Sriprapha and Prof. Varaporn from the Office of Human Rights Studies, Mahidol University, made presentations on the mechanism for the study project “Towards an ASEAN commission on the protection and promotion of HR of women and children”.

This study project has been commissioned by ASEAN itself. The objective of the study is to map the current mechanisms in ASEAN countries, identify gaps and make recommendations for the ASEAN commission.

They presented the mechanism by which they are going to conduct the study and subsequently make recommendations to ASEAN; this study is currently underway. Researchers are undertaking country visits and taking inputs from national NGOs, governments and NIs.

It was clarified that ASEAN countries agreed to have this commission since all countries had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women and Child Rights Commission.

However, there was no clarity as to why both women’s rights and child rights were clubbed together, when in reality there are specific and particular issues.