BURMA – Movement for Democracy and Ethnic Rights launches Global Campaign on 2010 Elections
2 April 2010 3:08 am

In response
to the
military regime's new election laws, Burma's movement for democracy and
rights of ethnic nationalities launched a global campaign today
condemning the upcoming elections as shutting the door to any prospects
for genuine democracy and national reconciliation.

burma_2010_election_campaign.jpgIn response to the
military regime's new election laws, Burma's movement for democracy and
rights of ethnic nationalities launched a global campaign today
condemning the upcoming elections as shutting the door to any prospects
for genuine democracy and national reconciliation.

The Global Campaign on Burma's 2010 Military Elections calls on the
international community to denounce these elections and refuse to
recognize the results.

"By banning prisoners from joining political parties and running in
the elections, the new laws are excluding our most important democratic
leaders- including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Khun Htun Oo and other key
leaders-from the elections. Without their participation, we can be sure
that elections will not be inclusive, free or fair," said U Thein Oo,
MP-Elect (National League for Democracy), and Secretary, Members of
Parliament Union.

The movement has consistently called on the regime to meet minimum
benchmarks for the elections to be a step towards genuine democracy and
national reconciliation. These benchmarks include: (1) the unconditional
release of all political prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi; (2)
cessation of attacks against ethnic communities and democracy
activists; and (3) genuine and inclusive political dialogue, including a
review of the 2008 Constitution.

"We take these undemocratic election laws as a clear signal that
the regime is refusing to meet our minimum benchmarks. It is clear that
these elections are the junta's attempt to legitimize their power, and
will not lead to genuine democratic progress in Burma. At this critical
time, we ask the international community to stand with us by denouncing
the junta's elections and refusing to recognize the results," said Ma
Khin Ohmar, Foreign Affairs Secretary, Forum for Democracy in Burma, and
member of the Foreign Affairs Coordinating Team.

Naw Zipporah Sein, General Secretary of the Karen National Union,
added, "These elections will only compound the suffering of our ethnic
people. The 2008 Constitution, which will be enacted through the
elections, centralizes military control over ethnic areas and grants
blanket immunities for the regime's crimes against humanity. These
crimes cannot be allowed to continue. We ask the UN Security Council to
pass a resolution for a Commission of Inquiry into these crimes, as well
as impose an arms embargo to stop their access to new weapons."

This global campaign has been initiated by a group of major
alliances representing the most broad-based and multi-ethnic cooperation
of political and civil society organizations from inside and in exile
working for national reconciliation, peace, and freedom in Burma. At the
time of launch, the campaign has the support of 150 groups from all
over the world. Please see below for list of endorsing organizations.