Protection to the rights of migrant workers in ASEAN is non-negotiable
26 January 2010 12:00 pm

sapa tfamw_jan2010.jpgThe
regional economic integration of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) is on the fast track, but the protection for the rights of migrant
workers of its member states are still very poor, said Sinapan Samydorai at the
Book Launching and Public Discussion: "Civil Society Proposal on ASEAN
Framework Instrument on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant
Workers" in Jakarta on 27 January 2010.

sapa tfamw_jan2010.jpg(Jakarta, 27 January 2010) The
regional economic integration of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) is on the fast track, but the protection for the rights of migrant
workers of its member states are still very poor, said Sinapan Samydorai at the
Book Launching and Public Discussion: "Civil Society Proposal on ASEAN
Framework Instrument on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant
Workers" in Hotel Akmani in Jakarta, Indonesia on 27 January 2010.

Samydorai, the Convenor of the Task Force of ASEAN Migrant Workers (Task
Force), a coalition consists of more than 50 organizations working on migrant
workers in Southeast Asia, explained that "millions of migrant workers are
seeking a better future for themselves and their families by working abroad in
ASEAN countries, and as economic integration intensifies leading to the full
economic integration of ASEAN by 2015, this number will grow.  There is an urgent need for an agreement to
protect their rights and ensure that they are treated with dignity and
respect."  He added that the Instrument
that is agreed to by ASEAN should be legally binding.

The Task
Force notes that the ASEAN Declaration on the protection and promotion of the
rights of the migrant workers (2007) is an important first step. The Task Force
urges the ASEAN member states, in line with Principle 22 of the Declaration, to
take effective and timely steps to implement a binding instrument on the
promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers in the region. In
line with the spirit of the Declaration, the Task Force believes that such an
instrument must include respect fundamental human rights to protect all migrant
workers, including workers from non-ASEAN countries, and those who are in an
irregular or undocumented situation.

Samydorai, the Convener of the TF-AMW, hopes "the civil society proposal will
be a useful tool for civil society and ASEAN member countries in their efforts
to protect and promote the rights of migrant workers. We are certain that our
civil society and government partners can use this tool for advocacy,
consultation, and negotiations on language for a binding ASEAN Framework
Instrument to protect and promote rights of migrant workers."

127-page book compiles all inputs from eight national consultations and seven
regional consultations and numerous informal sessions in person, at meetings
and over the internet to craft a comprehensive proposal to ASEAN. The ASEAN
civil society Framework Instrument was used as the core reference document at a
break-through meeting of the ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labor, convened by the Thai
Ministry of Labor on 30-31 July  2009 in
Bangkok, which brought together officials of the ten ASEAN governments, and a
full complement of trade union and NGO activists from throughout the

inquiries, please contact:

  • Sinapan
    Samydorai, Convenor – Task Force on ASEAN Migrant Workers, Email: [email protected], Mobile: + 65 9479
  • Rafendi
    Djamin, Executive Director of HRWG, Email: [email protected]