40 NGOs urge UN General Assembly to ensure accountability of Gaza victims
5 November 2009 9:48 pm

un_ga.jpgForty non-government organisations called on the United Nations General
Assembly on 2 November to support the recommendations presented at the Human Rights
Council earlier this year, in order to ensure accountability for
victims of the Gaza conflict. So-called "Goldstone Report" remarked
human rights violations by both Israeli forces and Hamas fighters.

un_ga.jpgForty non-government organisations called on the United Nations General
Assembly on 2 November 2009 to support the recommendations presented at the Human Rights
Council earlier this year, in order to ensure accountability for
victims of the Gaza conflict. So-called "Goldstone Report" remarked
human rights violations by both Israeli forces and Hamas fighters.

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, are writing to urge your government to support
recommendations in the Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
(Goldstone Report) and work with others in the General Assembly to secure adoption of a
resolution calling on the Israeli Government and relevant Palestinian authorities in Gaza to
launch independent investigations, in conformity with international standards, into the serious
violations of International Humanitarian and International Human Rights Law reported by the
Mission and to ensure the establishment of an appropriate international mechanism to provide an
independent assessment of the investigations.

We believe it is imperative that the UN General Assembly demonstrate its unequivocal support
for human rights and the protection of Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Credible, independent
investigations of the findings of the Goldstone Report, with an objective review of the
investigations, will promote accountability among all parties to the conflict and put an end to the
culture of impunity.

We believe the international community must demonstrate resolve on the issue of accountability
on both sides of this conflict, and ensure that international law is upheld. It is this approach
which will strengthen the chances of peace and justice for Israelis and Palestinians.

To read the complete statement with all the signatories, please click here (pdf).

(Photo courtesy of the UN)