INDIA – Too much! On false charges for two years
17 May 2009 9:30 pm

binayak_sen.pngMany human rights organisations expressed concerns over detention of Binayak Sen, a well-known human rights defender and paediatrician, on 14 May 2009. Two years after his arrest, he's still detained and never had trial. Below is a statement issued on the day by ARTISTS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS & Release Binayak Campaign.
rights organisations expressed concerns over detention of Binayak Sen,
well-known human rights defender and paediatrician, on 14 May 2009. Two
years after his arrest, he's still detained and never had trial. Below
is a statement issued on the day by ARTISTS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS & Release Binayak Campaign.

On 14 May 2009 Dr Binayak Sen, well-known paediatrician
and human rights defender, will complete two years in a Raipur prison on false charges
of abetting Maoist activity in Chhattisgarh, sedition, and waging war against
the State. This committed advocate of civil liberties has spent over three
decades in the service of some of the poorest and neglected people in this country and raised his voice relentlessly
against atrocities in the State of Chhattisgarh in an attempt to uphold the
original values of Indian democracy.

The imprisonment of Dr. Binayak Sen is symbolic of gross injustice and violation
of democratic values by the State and the suppression of the voices of human
rights defenders.

Please join us in this struggle to preserve our rights, liberty and freedom and
show our solidarity in support of a cause that is core to democracy:

Two Years Too Much !
An Evening of Protest
To mark the second anniversary of Dr. Binayak Sen's imprisonment