SAARC: It’s time to establish human rights body!
22 October 2009 12:00 pm

Sector Service Centre (INSEC) has requested South Asian states to
initiate discussion for establishing regional human rights body in South Asia.
np_insec.jpg(Source: FORUM-ASIA member INSEC, 23 October 2009)
Sector Service Centre (INSEC) has requested South Asian states to
initiate discussion for establishing regional human rights body in South Asia.

a press statement on October 23 to welcome launching of the first
regional human rights mechanism in the Asia Pacific region, to be known
as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), Chairperson of
INSEC Subodh Raj Pyakurel said, "We believe that the commitment made by
states in the region to move towards for the implementation of their
human rights commitments is an important step forward to protect and
promote the human rights of people living in the ASEAN region."

that there is no regional mechanism on Human Rights in South Asia such
as in Europe, America, Africa and recent as in Southeast Asia except
SAARC 'Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms' of the people of the region, the statement added, "A regional
mechanism can help address this problem to ensure that all SAARC member
states adhere to international human rights standards; to provide a
common platform where SAARC member states, being socio-politically
different from each other, can articulate their human rights-related
concerns; and to cooperate to address violations and collectively show
its stand on human rights-related issues."

establishment of the regional human rights body can play fundamental
role in protecting and promoting international human rights standards
by helping to address shortcomings in national frameworks and
complement existing international human rights mechanisms," the
statement further added. 

also urged SAARC to promote the increased and institutionalized role of
civil society groups to encourage their full integration in the process
of the establishment and development of the SAARC human rights body, to
create a "people-oriented SAARC".  "Engaging civil society and deriving
international experience through it would be valuable process to
internalize SAARC with the people of the region," the statement further