PAKISTAN: Killings continue in Swat region, government remains silent
15 February 2009 10:55 pm

pk_swat.jpgHuman Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), a FORUM-ASIA member, issued a statement on 27 January 2009, expressing their concerns over the situation in Swat, northwest of the country. Although there have been killings by Taliban in the area, the government remains silent about the issue.

pk_swat.jpgHuman Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), a FORUM-ASIA member, issued a statement on 27 January 2009, expressing their concerns over the situation in Swat, northwest of the country. Although there have been killings by Taliban in the area, the government remains silent about the issue.

Repeated official vows of regaining control of the security situation in the Swat valley have been laid bare by extremists' call to politicians from the restive valley to appear before Taliban courts. The situation has worsened to this extent largely because the government of Pakistan denied and appalled inability to even jam a radio station broadcasting propaganda by the Taliban.

It is all very well to issue statements vowing not to allow parallel justice, but increasingly it seems that Taliban's justice and rule has no competitor in Swat region.

Government claims that having control over the area is impossible, as citizens continue to be killed. The illegal Taliban radio station even announces the names of the people that they would kill later on the day.

Provincial and national lawmakers have conceded the government has no control over the area. Yet the government has been absent to solve the issue. The government must immediately address the security situation of the people. It must also share an objective analysis of any progress of military operation. The government's strategy to restore law and order in Swat has clearly not worked and need to be revised promptly, in a transparent manner.

The efforts and responsibility to restore order must be shared by all political entities, especially those with representation in the legislature. Also, all segments of the society, including religious communities, must no longer remain mere spectators to this shocking breakdown of the state apparatus and must urge the government to handle the situation in a more transparent and comprehensible manner.

(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)