CAMBODIA: A false accusation case to have its first hearing after four years
10 February 2009 5:28 am

licadho-logo-bg.gifAfter four and a half years in prison, a man accused of murder will have his first chance to appeal against his conviction on 11 February 2009, in Cambodia. Cambodia League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), a FORUM-ASIA member, claims that he is innocent.

Chan Sopheak, the convict, is sentenced to 15-year imprisonment for murder of a trade union member. According to the briefing paper issued by the organisation this month, the victim had reported death threats from his rivals before his death and was shot in May 2004. In July, Sopheak, a soldier, was interrogated by the police about his drug use in the past. Later at court he learned of the murder accusation. “Sopheak was arrested unlawfully, without a court warrant,” the organisation says.

According to the organisation, the case is a “carbon copy” of the recent case of two men who were arrested by the same police officers. The United Nations Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the International Labour Organization have also shown their concerns over the case.

For the full report, please see here (.pdf).