PHILIPPINES – Embrace diversity, end discrimination against LGBT’s right to participate in Congress
30 November 2009 9:14 pm

tfp_header_logo_web.gifFORUM-ASIA would like to extend
its solidarity to the Task Force Pride (TFP) Philippines and wishes
all its members, partners and friends a successful 2009 Manila Pride
March on December 5.

(Bangkok, 19 November 2006)
The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development would like to extend
its solidarity to the Task Force Pride (TFP) Philippines and wishes
all its members, partners and friends a successful 2009 Manila Pride
March on December 5.

The TFP is a network of Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups and individuals, as well
as LGBT-friendly groups/individuals, who seek to promote positive visibility
for the LGBT community. Founded in 1999, it is the official organizing
network of the annual Pride March.
"We hope that the coming
March in December will be an excellent platform for the LGBT groups
and individuals to forge further solidarity and network to express themselves
on the various ongoing issues that affect the community not only in
the Philippines but rest of the world", said FORUM-ASIA executive director
Yap Swee Seng.

"We are disappointed to hear
about the latest issue, that of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
rejection of the petition for accreditation of Ang Ladlad Partylist
to be able to take part in the 2010 elections and represent Lesbian
Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Filipinos in Congress," said Yap,
who is currently based at the FORUM-ASIA secretariat office in Bangkok.
"It is a shame that as we
are approaching the 61st year of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights on December 10, where the main theme is: Embracing
Diversity, End Discrimination, COMELEC has chosen to out rightly
discriminate the LGBT groups by blocking their political participation
in Congress," stressed Yap.

The COMELEC, in its 7-page
decision, claims that Ang Ladlad advocates sexual immorality and thus
the COMELEC is protecting the youth from "moral and spiritual degradation"
by denying Ang Ladlad's petition.

FORUM-ASIA is of the opinion
that LGBT Filipinos is part of the diversity that makes up the Philippine
culture, and therefore must be accorded their rightful place in society
and politics.

FORUM-ASIA is a regional
human rights organization with 46 members across Asia.