Indonesia must not allow human rights violators in its next government!
3 July 2009 5:52 am

FORUM-ASIA is gravely
alarmed that gross human rights violators with well-documented cases are the
candidates for the second direct presidential election in Indonesia on 8 July
2009. If this is the case, it would be quite unlikely that the agenda to fight
impunity become a priority in the next administration's plan as the government
would then be led by human rights violators.

(Bangkok, 3 July
2009) The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) is gravely
alarmed that gross human rights violators with well-documented cases are the
candidates for the second direct presidential election in Indonesia on 8 July
2009. If this is the case, it would be quite unlikely that the agenda to fight
impunity become a priority in the next administration's plan as the government
would then be led by human rights violators, said FORUM-ASIA today.

referring to the three candidates who are reputedly poor promoters and
protectors of human rights who are currently three pair candidates for
Indonesian presidents for the period 2009 to 2014.

Prabowo Subianto,
the candidate of vice president for Megawati Sukarnoputri, was commander of Indonesia's special force unit
Kopassus from 1995 to 1998. He has admitted the responsibility for the
kidnap and torture of pro-democracy activists by Kopassus, under his command in
the late 1990s. He was also
responsible for the brutal actions in Timor Leste under Indonesia occupation,
which include torture, kidnapping and killings of independence supporters.

Wiranto, vice-presidential candidate for Jusuf
Kalla, was commander of Indonesia's military during the turbulent period of
1998 and 1999, when Suharto was pushed from power by widespread demonstrations
and elite disenchantment with his rule. Wiranto was indicted by a United
Nation Special Crime Unit District Court of Dili, Timor Leste for committing
crimes against humanity over the bloodshed that occurred during a 1999
independence vote in Timor Leste.

Both candidates have told the Indonesian and international
community that they should be allowed to move on as they had gone
through the necessary legal process. However, FORUM-ASIA believes that those
responsible for past abuses must be held accountable. No Indonesian general has been successfully prosecuted
for human rights abuse since the fall of Suharto in 1998.

The organization expressed its concerns that
should either of these candidates assume office, their past crimes will
obstruct the administration's ability to resolve human rights violation cases
committed by Indonesia's security forces and hinder the important reforms of military and
police forces in Indonesia.

Under the current administration of Yudhoyono,
a retired general, the government had turned a blind eye to various abuses, including
that of political prisoners in Papua. It also fell short in providing full
compensation for victims of the man-made disaster "Lapindo" toxic mud in East
Java and failed to resolve the assassination case of human rights activist, Munir
Said bin Thalib.

FORUM-ASIA calls for international community
and Indonesian citizens to continue to remember the past human rights
violations committed by these candidates of presidential elections and hold
them accountable for their human rights violations. With the current role of
Indonesia as the vice president of the United Nation Human Rights Council,
FORUM-ASIA urges the next administration of Indonesian government to make
serious efforts to comply with the recommendation from the Universal Periodic
Review in June 2008 which calls for an end to impunity to be made as a priority

regional human rights organisation with 42 members across Asia.

For more information, please contact:

  • Ms. Yuyun
    Wahyuningrum, East Asia Program Manager of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and
    Development (FORUM-ASIA) at +66 879914451, or at [email protected]

  • Ms. Gayoon Baek,
    East Asia Program Officer, FORUM-ASIA, at +66 2653 2940, or at [email protected]