Human Rights Award goes to FORUM-ASIA member PVCHR director
24 June 2010 12:00 pm

The City Council decided at its yesterday ( 23.6. ) session, 16 to give human rights prize of the city of Weimar in 2010 , Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of the Indians.

Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi has been working 15 years for the rights and interests of the Dalits (members of the lower caste), primarily in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. As the founder of the “Vigilance Committee on Human People’s Rights (PVCHR), he strove to maintain and enforce the fundamental rights of vulnerable groups such as children, women, Dalits and indigenous minorities. Dr. Raghuvanshi, by its Committee created structures that enable it to enforce such rights. He also documented any kind of human rights such as starvation, police torture, child labor, etc., and tried through cooperation with local human rights groups to care for the victims individually . Because of its commitment to human rights are he, his family and associates permanent hostility (including death threats ) exposed by political opponents. Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi was proposed by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom”.

The award will be on Dec 10, the proclaimed by the United Nations International Day of Human Rights, made.

(Source: Weimar, 24 June 2010)