Ticking Down to the Timor Leste Parliamentary Election
12 June 2007 7:00 pm

Part I: Timor Leste will be holding elections on 30 June 2007 after a successful Presidential Election earlier in April. The fifteen participating political parties have signed a Political Party Accord as a commitment to regulate and streamline their actions in the campaign process prior, during and after Election Day.

Part I: The Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (also known as East Timor during Indonesian occupation) will be holding its Parliamentary Election on 30 June 2007, after a successful Presidential Election on 9 April (with a run-off on 9 May) that gave Jose Ramos-Horta, a clear win against Francisco Lu Olo Guterres from FRETILIN. He was inaugurated on 20 May by the outgoing President, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao who is currently contesting for Prime Ministership with his newly polished party, CNRT. As the first national post-independence elections, it is an important step in the consolidation of democracy in a country that was colonised by the Portuguese for 400 years and was under the grip of the New Order for 24 years and briefly marred with strife by disgruntled soldiers who later turned the situation into an artificial ethnic dispute in April and May last year.

The thirty-day period for candidate registration is officially over and campaigning has begun. The fifteen political parties 1 participating in the 2007 Parliamentary Election in Timor-Leste signed a Political Party Accord on 25 May 2007 as a commitment to regulate and streamline their actions in the campaign process prior, during and after the election day. The Accord is intended to be a complementary document at the initiative of political parties without any contradiction with the Code of Conduct as issued by National Electoral Commission (CNE). All political parties have accepted their responsibility to issue clear instructions to their members and supporters in order to respect this Accord and the Code of Conduct and have committed themselves to denounce any of their members or supporters who violate this Accord.

The current National Parliament consists of 88 Members of Parliament who were elected on 30 August 2001 to the Constituent Assembly. The Parliament five-year term means that the elections are due in 2007.

Twelve political parties gained representation in the National Parliament in 2001:

Political Parties Members of Parliament (Seats) Status on 30th June 07 Parliamentary Election
FRETILIN 54 Contesting
PD 7 Contesting
PSD 6 Contesting
ASDT 6 Contesting
PNT 2 Contesting
UDT 2 Contesting
KOTA 2 Contesting
PPT 2 Contesting
PDC 2 Contesting
UDC 1 Merging with PDC
PST 1 Contesting
PL 1 Not Registering


1 Timor Leste registered Political Parties; www.ip.alp.org.au 1) Timorese Association of Social Democrats (ASDT) 2) National Congress for Reconstruction of Timor (CNRT) 3) Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor (FRETILIN) 4) Association of Timorese Heroes (KOTA) 5) Democratic Party (PD) 6) Christian Democrat Party (PDC) 7) Millennium Democratic Party (PMD) 8) Timorese Nationalist Party (PNT) 9) People’s Party of Timor (PPT ex-MPTL) 10) Republican Party (PR) 11) Social Democrat Party of East Timor (PSD) 12) Socialist Party of Timor (PST) 13) National Unity Party (PUN) 14) Timorese Democratic Union (UDT) 15) National Democratic Unity of Timor Resistance (UNDERTIM)