MALAYSIA – No ISA! Charge them and bring them to justice!
20 January 2010 1:22 am

statement was issued by the Abolish ISA Movement to condem the
statement by the Home Minister and Police Chief to use the draconian
Internal Security Act against those reponsible for vandalism of several
churches, school, a surau and sikh temple over the recent "Allah"
ruling of the High Court.  

statement was issued by the Abolish ISA Movement to condem the
statement by the Home Minister and Police Chief to use the draconian
Internal Security Act against those reponsible for vandalism of several
churches, school, a surau and sikh temple over the recent "Allah"
ruling of the High Court. 

Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) expresses condemnation towards the statement by the
Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein and Inspector General of the Police
(IGP), Musa Hassan that the government and the police would not
hesitate to use the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) against those
who were responsible for the bombing of the 3 churches in Klang Valley
which have been linked to protests against the recent "Allah" ruling.  

recognizes that irresponsible individuals and groups have and may
further resort to violence, and that this might lead to chaos in the
country. We understand the need to be tough against criminals. In fact,
GMI urges the government to bring the culprits who have been trying to
incite intolerance among the races in Malaysia to justice by not using
the ISA or any form of detention without trial laws. Instead, proper
investigation should be take place immediately. The use of the ISA and
any other detention without trial acts will not resolve the real
problem; instead it will only cause more fear and insecurity among the
citizens in Malaysia.  

we strongly condemn the use of the draconian ISA in making the arrest
as any form of detention without trial is in violation of basic human
rights and blatantly circumvents the rule of law.  

would like to remind the government that the ISA makes a mockery of the
principle of presumption of innocent until proven guilty; it unjustly
denies our civil liberties; it allows for detention without trial and
thus denies natural justice. Worse still, it creates conditions for
torture and other degrading forms of treatment while under detention.  

calls upon the government to stop arresting people under the ISA ,
abolish the draconian law, and release all ISA detainees or to charge
them in court.  

SUARAM, FORUM-ASIA member in Malaysia, issued a statement to condemn
the violent attacks on the churches. For the statement, please read here .