BURMA: Karen women demand accountability for military junta’s rape and killing of young girl
20 January 2009 10:23 pm

karen_women_organisation.jpgThe Karen Women's Organization is demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of a SPDC* soldier who allegedly raped and killed a young girl in Burma's northern Karen State recently. KWO is also asking for the soldier's commanding officer to be punished for failing to take action over the crime.

The body of the 7-year-old girl was found near her house with gunshot wounds in her chest and signs of rape in the village of Ma Oo Bin, Kyauk Kyi Township, Nyaunglebin District, in the evening of December 27, 2008. Villagers had seen a soldier from SPDC Light Infantry (LI) 350 enter the village shortly beforehand, and then heard sounds of a girl crying out and rifle shots.

The girl's parents and village leaders reported the case the next day to Captain Thet Khaing, the local commander of SPDC LI 350, stationed near the village, but no action has been taken yet.
The KWO said it was appalled at this horrific crime and over the inaction of the SPDC authorities.

"If such impunity continues, the SPDC military will continue to commit such crimes, threatening the lives of women and girls throughout the country," said KWO in a press statement.

The KWO also urged the international community to pressure the SPDC authorities to take action over this case, and to ensure that the victim's family and other community members face no retaliation for their attempts to seek justice.

* State Peace and Development Council or SPDC is the official name of Burma's military junta.