Stop the continuing arrest of Human Rights Defenders in Cambodia
9 January 2006 12:00 am

FORUM-ASIA is extremely alarmed at the continuing arrests of Cambodians, especially Human Rights Defenders, for the expression of their opinions. Freedom of expression and the ability to express criticism and dissenting views without fear of intimidation is an essential component of a democratic society. The ability of a government and its leaders to accept criticism and constructively engage with civil society leaders and opposition parties with diverse views on sensitive issues, along with people’s participation, is an important indicator of the state’s commitment to human rights.Samdech Hun Sen
Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia

Samdech Hun Sen,

FORUM-ASIA is extremely alarmed at the continuing arrests of Cambodians, especially Human Rights Defenders, for the expression of their opinions.

In 2005, journalist Mam Sonando and trade unionist Rong Chhun were arrested and detained on charges related to the public expression of opinions. Similar charges were filed against other individuals, including Chea Mony, Ear Channa and Men Nath, who fled Cambodia. Most recently, well-known Human Rights Defenders Mr. Kem Sokha and Mr. Yeng Virak, were arrested on 31st December 2005, and Mr. Pa Nguon Teang on 4th January 2006, ironically in relation to peaceful activities organized by them and many others to celebrate International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2005.

Freedom of expression and the ability to express criticism and dissenting views without fear of intimidation is an essential component of a democratic society. The ability of a government and its leaders to accept criticism and constructively engage with civil society leaders and opposition parties with diverse views on sensitive issues, along with people’s participation, is an important indicator of the state’s commitment to human rights.

All Cambodian citizens have the right to vocal and active participation in public debate and political activity, which is essential to Cambodia’s democratic, social and economic development.

We urge the Cambodian government, under your leadership, not to hamper the further development of critical and analytical Cambodians minds by arresting prominent civil society leaders and forcing others to flee Cambodia in fear of persecution.

We also urge your government to fully comply with the major human rights treaties which Cambodia has signed, and to honor its commitments to the international community which has supported Cambodia’s development.

We, as an Asian Human Rights Organization with 33 member organizations in 13 Asian countries, join our Cambodian brothers and sisters and the international community in condemning the recent arrests. We urgently call upon you to release Mr. Kem Sokha, Mr. Yeng Virak, Mr. Pa Nguon Teang, Mr. Rong Chhun and Mr. Mam Sonando, and to ensure that criminal defamation lawsuits are no longer used to suppress freedom of expression.

As the head of the state, we urge you to ensure a conducive and safe atmosphere for all Cambodians – particularly Human Rights Defenders, media personnel and opposition party members — to continue their constructive efforts to build a democratic and just Cambodia, where basic human rights of all peoples are respected and protected.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

Anselmo Lee
Executive Director

  • See also the Joint Statement by Cambodian NGOs on the issue. The link opens a .pdf file.
  • For more information on this issue, see: Freedom of Expression Losing Ground, a campaign page by LICADHO, a Cambodian Human Rights NGO. LICADHO is a member of FORUM-ASIA.