16th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
16 February 2011 9:00 pm

FORUM-ASIA interventions, statements and events during the 16th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on 28 February to 25 March 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland.


Date Topic Document
Oral and Written Statements
Feb-14 FORUM-ASIA: Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Papua, Indonesia (A/HRC/16/NGO/119) Written Statement
Feb-14 INFID/Imparsial: Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Indonesia (A/HRC/16/NGO/80) Written Statement
Feb-14 PSPD: Violations of Freedom of Opinion and Expression and Human Rights in the Republic of Korea (A/HRC/16/NGO/66) Written Statement
Feb-14 FORUM-ASIA: Joint – NGO Assessment of the Draft UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (A/HRC/16/NGO/116) Joint Written Statement of 39 NGOs
Mar-02 HLS General Segment: Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition Oral Statement
Mar-08 Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention – Report of the Country Visit to Malaysia Oral Statement
Mar-10 Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Oral Statement
Mar-14 Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Burma/Myanmar Oral Statement
Mar-15 Item 4: Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention – General Debate Oral Statement
Mar-16 Item 6: Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Plenary on the Maldives Oral Statement
Mar-16 Item 6: Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Plenary on Mongolia Oral Statement
Mar-16 Item 6: Universal Periodic Review (UPR) General Debate Oral Statement
Mar-19 Item 5: Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms – General Debate Oral Statement
Mar-19 Item 5: Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms – General Debate  Oral Statement
Mar-2 Item 8: Follow-Up and Implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of
Action (VDPA) – General Debate
Oral Statement

Open Letters

Mar-09 Letter of Civil Society to State Representatives: “Defamation” and “Denigration” of Religions Open Letter

Side Events

Mar-09 Human Rights Situation in Sri Lanka: Contextualizing the Post-Conflict Realities – 11am, Palais des Nations Room 24 Flyer
Mar-10 Contesting Violations against Women Human Rights Defenders, and Ensuring Their Protection – 1pm, Palais des Nations Room 25 Flyer
Mar-11 Incitement to Discrimination, Hostility or Violence: Evolution of the Recent Debate on “Defamation of Religions” – 2pm, Palais des Nations Room 25 Flyer
Mar-16 Reprisals against Persons Cooperating with the UN: Towards a Strengthened Insitutional Response – 1pm, Palais des Nations Room 21 Flyer
Press Coverage



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