13th Annual Training and Study Session for Asian Human Rights Defenders
3 August 2009 11:36 pm

atssbanner.jpgFORUM-ASIA is calling for applications for the 13th Annual Training and
Study Session for Asian Human Rights Defenders (ATSS), which will take place in Bangkok
from 18 to 30 October 2009.

atssbanner.jpgDate: 18 – 30 October 2009

Venue: Bangkok, Thailand



Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) would like to announce the
opening of the application process for the 13th Annual Training and
Study Session for Asian Human Rights Defenders (ATSS), to take place in Bangkok
from 18 to 30 October 2009.

has been organising the ATSS on an annual basis as part of its efforts to
empower Asian human
rights defenders to meet challenges, strengthen the
human rights movement and promote solidarity and cooperation among
the human rights organisations in the Asian region.


general objective of the 13th ATSS is to empower Asian human
rights defenders by providing the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge
and skills to carry out their human rights work and
missions in a more effective manner.

particular, the 13th ATSS aims to facilitate the participants to:

  • Affirm the concept, mandate and role of human rights
    defenders in Asia
  • Build a common understanding of the human rights
    situation and trends in Asia from an NGO perspective based on a critical
    reflection on the values and principles underlying human
    rights work, including
    gender mainstreaming
  • Acquire necessary knowledge and skills
    for effective campaigns
    and advocacy
  • Develop and implement strategic advocacy plans
    nationally and regionally

Learning Methodology

The Training Session will be
conducted in a participatory manner using methods such as presentation, group discussion,
sharing and
exercises. Several resource persons from diverse backgrounds (NGOs, professionals, researchers
and academics, etc.) will be invited to conduct sessions. Audio-visual
materials will also be used to facilitate communication and inter-cultural
learning. Exposure visits to organisations may also be planned to provide
first-hand experience.

Main Components of the ATSS 2009

The main
components of the 13th ATSS
are the following:

  1. Basic knowledge about human rights
    theories and practices
  2. Key human rights issues and trends in the Asia region
  3. International human rights norms and
  4. Role of human rights defenders and NGOs
  5. Documentation of human rights violations
  6. Advocacy and campaigning skills and methodologies
  7. Strategic advocacy planning

Course Venue and Accomodation

The Training session will be held at the St. Gabriel Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand.

The participants will be accommodated at the same venue.

Cost of the ATSS 2009

Total cost
of the 13th ATSS for two weeks excluding
international travel expenses is 1,200 USD (one thousand and two hundred
US dollars). The
fee covers full board and lodging (500 USD), course materials (200
USD), fees for resource persons (300 USD) and local organising
expenses such as social activities, field exposure, insurance, etc. (200

participants are expected to raise their own funds to attend the Training.
A financial subsidy may be available for those who are not able to raise funds
to cover their own expenses. Those who wish to apply for a financial subsidy
should indicate their request in the application form.

Who Can Apply

application is open to any human rights activist interested in and working on
human rights issues in Asia. Below are some required qualifications:

  1. Minimum
    2 years work experience in local, national or regional human rights NGOs or
    human rights-related organisations
  2. Strong
    indication on
    how to make use of the knowledge and skills acquired in the training in future
    advocacy work
  3. Ability
    to communicate in English (both spoken and written)

How to Apply

are required to fill out the Application Form and the Questionnaire attached
to the Brochure and to submit them with only one of
the following documents. 

  1. If candidates are from FORUM-ASIA
    member organisations, please submit a letter of endorsement from the
    head of the organisation.
  2. If candidates are NOT from
    FORUM-ASIA member organisations, please submit a letter of recommendation
    from any of FORUM-ASIA's 46 member organisations.
  3. If candidates are from other
    countries, please submit a letter of recommendation from a reference person .

applications must be sent by email to FORUM-ASIA at [email protected].

Closing date
for applications is (Friday) 4 September 2009.

Selection Process

  • Received
    applications will be acknowledged by email. Incomplete applications may result
    in a low possibility of acceptance.
    Selection Committee consider geographic and gender balance when selecting
  • Applicants
    short-listed for skype interviews
    will be interviewed on 14-15 September.
  • Applicants
    will be informed of their final
    by email before 18 September.
  • Final
    participants are expected to arrive in Bangkok no later than 18 October and
    leave no earlier than 31 October.

To download the complete brochure, please click here (pdf).