“Move Media Rights Festival” to promote human rights by film
18 March 2009 1:35 am

mediamoverights.jpgA Human Rights Film and Arts Festival will be held from 29 April – 6 May 2009 in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Mae Sot, Thailand. Titled "Move Media Rights Festival", it aims to "increase people's knowledge about human rights issues throughout Asia, by using film as a powerful and artistic expression of the people's resistance, dedication, and struggle for justice".

30 films will be shown during this festival, organised by the Move Media Project. The project is comprised of 15 organisations, including FORUM-ASIA.
The movies include documentaries on human trafficking, rights of ethnic minorities and indigenous people and violence against women. Film makers, victims and producers will join open dialogue sessions with the viewers. The Human Rights and Film Making Workshop also will be held from 29-30 March.

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it was originally planned to be held in December 2008. Due to the airport closures in Thailand, it was postponed to these dates.

For details, please click here.