Regional Workshop on Role of Women in Armed Conflict and UNSC Resolution 1325
27 November 2007 7:00 pm

Date: 27 – 28 November, 2007
Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

FORUM-ASIA is holding a regional workshop on the Role of Women in Armed Conflict and the UN Security Council Resolution (SCR) 1325 for women working on human rights issues in armed conflict and/or post-conflict situations.

Date: 27 – 28 November, 2007
Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

Course Description

The regional workshop on the Role of Women in Armed Conflict and the UN Security Council Resolution (SCR) 1325 will address issues and challenges faced by women human rights defenders in situations related to armed conflict. The workshop will also introduce other international frameworks for the protection and promotion of women’s role in conflict prevention and resolution and peace building.

The workshop expects to bring together about 20 women human rights defenders in conflict and post-conflict contexts in Asia who are engaged in peace building and human rights advocacy, to share their experiences and explore the ways to strengthen their capacity to further carry out their advocacy work using the UNSCR 1325.

The objectives of the workshop include: facilitating and strengthening networking among women human rights defenders engaged in human rights advocacy work in situations of armed conflict, promotion of public awareness about the challenges faced by women human rights defenders, and popularize UNSCR 1325 among women human rights defenders as a tool to promote women’s protection and participation.


Download Nomination Form (in .doc).

Important Dates

Application deadline: 15 October, 2007
Course Duration: 27 – 28 November, however participants are expected to arrive in Bangkok on or before 26 November and leave on or after 29 November.

Other information and Details

Travel expenses, accommodation and meals during the workshop will be covered by FORUM-ASIA. Candidates will be selected based on experience, expertise or interest through screening of the submitted nomination form and C.V.