Call for Applications: Diplomacy Training Program Course on Human Rights Advocacy and Business
19 August 2007 7:00 pm
Date: 20-24 August 2007
Venue: Jakarta, Indonesia
The Diplomacy Training Program is calling for applications for its 2nd program on Human Rights Advocacy and Business for advocates from the Asia/Pacific Region and Indigenous Australia. The program will be held from 20 -24 August 2007 in Jakarta, Indonesia in partnership with Business Watch Indonesia, Indonesia’s NGO Coalition for international Human Rights Advocacy (Human Rights Working Group) and OECD-Watch.
Date: 20-24 August 2007
Venue: Jakarta, Indonesia
This second annual program on Human Rights Advocacy and Business has been developed to assist advocates to respond to the challenges for human rights posed by the growing power and influence of corporations, particularly multi-national corporations. It will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia between 20-24 August. It is the only specialised capacity building program on Human Rights Advocacy and Business to be held for NGO advocates in the Asia/Pacific region. The UN Global Compact, the UN Draft Norms on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises, and voluntary codes of conduct have all emerged in recent years to respond to the need to change and guide corporate behaviour in relation to human rights. This program aims to explore what these developments mean for human rights advocates, how existing and emerging standards can be applied and to build the skills necessary for engaging in advocacy on business and human rights.
The course is particularly for advocates from Asia/Pacific countries and Indigenous Australia who work in non-government and community based organizations. It is for individuals and organizations who have an interest in learning more about the human rights responsibilities of business and how these responsibilities can inform advocacy efforts.
Basic Criteria
Applications are invited from those with experience of campaigning on corporations and those who have little or no experience but who have the capacity to undertake advocacy on those issues in the future.
Ahe application form can be found at:
For further detail, please go to:
Important dates
Deadline: 13 July 2007
Course duration: 20-24 August 2007 (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Other information and Details
Participants are expected to raise their own funds to meet the costs of travel and participation. DTP encourages participants to approach funding organisations to sponsor their course fee and travel expenses as DTP recognizes that in most cases individuals do not have the funds available to cover these expenses. There may be some subsidised spaces available. Where funding support is not available, DTP provides advice to participants on possible sources of funds to meet the costs of travel and training fees.
DTP provides advice and support to participants in their fundraising efforts.
To enquire more about funding and course fees, e-mail [email protected]