[HRC51 Oral Statement] Item 4: Interactive dialogue on the report of OHCHR on the the progress made and remaining challenges with regard to the recommendations of the independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar in its conference room paper on the economic interests of the military
29 September 2022 11:31 am


51st regular session of the UN Human Rights Council

Item 4: Interactive dialogue on the report of OHCHR on the the progress made and remaining challenges with regard to the recommendations of the independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar in its conference room paper on the economic interests of the military


Delivered by Khin Ohmar

On behalf of Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)

 22 September 2022


Mr. President,

We welcome the High Commissioner’s report and follow up by the Council of the important recommendations by the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar (FFM) which still remain the best blueprint to hold the Myanmar military accountable for genocide of Rohingya, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

We regret that much of the FFM’s recommendations, in particular, to the UN Security Council to target financial sanctions against senior military officials and military-owned companies and to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on the military have not been implemented.

While we welcome the targeted sanctions already imposed by several countries following the attempted coup on 1 February 2021, they are limited across too few jurisdictions and on too few targets to have the necessary impact.

The junta continues to enjoy access to off-book resources to continue its atrocities through its business interests or those owned by senior military officials and their associates.

We deplore the actions of many UN Member States that not only continue to block the imposition of a comprehensive arms embargo but also continue to supply arms and weapons to the junta.

Those who continue to do business with the military owned and affiliated businesses and supply arms to the junta as well as those that continue to prevent robust international action against the junta are complicit in its war crimes and crimes against humanity across the country.

We reiterate our call for coordinated, targeted sanctions against all military business interests, in particular the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprises, as well as all arms brokers. The Security Council must impose a comprehensive arms embargo on the junta to stop current and prevent further atrocities.

We urge the High Commissioner to follow up on the work of the FFM and compile and maintain a public list of international corporations that continue to do business with the junta and its affiliates.

Thank you.