[Media Lines] Sri Lanka: Facilitate peoples’ right to dissent at 9 July mass protest
8 July 2022 3:24 pm

Sri Lanka: Facilitate peoples’ right to dissent at 9 July mass protest

Ahead of the anticipated mass protest on 9 July in Colombo demanding the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his Government as the country goes through its worst economic crisis on record, FORUM-ASIA says:

As Sri Lanka faces its worst economic crisis in history and fuel shortages are worsening, people are voicing their dissent and opinions, and calling for mass protests in Colombo on 9 July.

FORUM-ASIA urges the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure, respect and protect the freedom of peaceful assembly of protestors. Authorities must facilitate peoples’ constitutional right to the freedom of expression and refrain from the use of force.

When authorities used lethal force against demonstrators protesting against soaring fuel prices in April, one person was killed and more than a dozen protestors injured. It is imperative for the government to uphold its legal obligations to protect the right to protest and prevent a repetition of the use of excessive force.


The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) is a network of 85 member organisations across 23 countries, mainly in Asia. Founded in 1991, FORUM-ASIA works to strengthen movements for human rights and sustainable development through research, advocacy, capacity development and solidarity actions in Asia and beyond. It has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and consultative relationship with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. The FORUM-ASIA Secretariat is based in Bangkok, with offices in Jakarta, Geneva and Kathmandu. www.forum-asia.org

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