[Online Conference] Human Rights in the time of COVID-19: Addressing the Crisis in Southeast Asia
5 August 2021 4:55 pm

Date: 9 August 2021

Time: 1 – 4 PM (GMT+7)

Platforms: Zoom, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Registration: bit.ly/FApandemicconference1

The impact of COVID-19 has severely hindered the fulfilment of human rights in the Asian region. Join us in a two-part online event where we discuss the trend of human rights violations and shrinking civic spaces in Asia which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and identify ways forward for civil society organisations, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights and national human rights mechanism to take collective action.

Plenary Session I: Navigating Human Rights in Times of Pandemic – Assessment from Civil Society and Response from the ASEAN Sectoral Body

Time: 1.15pm – 2.15 pm (GMT+7)


  • Rachel Arinii, EA-ASEAN Programme Manager, FORUM-ASIA
  • Ryan Silverio, Executive Director, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus
  • Le Thi Nam Huong, Assistant Director, Human Rights Division, ASEAN Secretariat
  • H.E. Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Indonesian Representative to AICHR
  • H.E. Eric Paulsen, Malaysian Representative to AICHR

Moderator: Jerald Joseph, Commissioner, Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

Plenary Session II: Navigating Human Rights in Times of Pandemic – Assessment from Civil Society and Response from National Human Rights Mechanisms

Time: 2.25pm – 3.40 pm (GMT+7)


  • Fatia Maulidiyanti, Coordinator, KontraS, Indonesia
  • Ryan Chua, Executive Director, PUSAT KOMAS, Malaysia
  • Jerald Joseph / Commissioner, SUHAKAM, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Taufan Damanik, Chair and Commissioner, KOMNAS-HAM, Indonesia
  • Andy Yentriyani, Chair and Commissioner, KOMNAS Perempuan, Indonesia

Moderator: Cornelius Hanung, Programme Officer, FORUM-ASIA

Closing remarks by Vitit Muntarbhorn, Professor Emeritus, Chulalongkorn University; former member of UN Commissions of Inquiry on human rights