From Our Member Banglar Manabadhikar Surakksha Mancha (MASUM), India – July Report 2020
3 August 2020 3:23 pm

July Report 2020

Published on the 3rd August 2020

Banglar Manabadhikar Surakksha Mancha (MASUM) made 11 complaints of gross human rights violation before the relevant state authorities and different human rights institutions; especially the National Human Rights Commission during the month of July 2020. During this period we made updated complaints regarding 7 cases formerly lodged. The type of updated complaints made this month are listed in document.

During this month, MASUM received directions from the NHRC in 36 cases and provided feedback on the directions issued by the NHRC in 15 cases.Out of the eleven complaints four are on overall marginalization at erstwhile enclave, two each on livelihood violation and torture by police and one each on illegal detention, illegal restriction by BSF personnel and Torture by BSF personnel.

In the complaint regarding illegal restriction by BSF personnel, livelihood violation and marginalisation at erstwhile enclaves the victimization was collective and does not reflect in demographic and social classification of victims. Total numbers of victims in individual complaints were 6; among them 5 belong from the minority Muslim community and one from Hindu community. Among the victims 4 were males and 2 minor.

Content of the July report 2020:

  • Highlight the achievement of MASUM in receiving three different directions from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for monetary compensation, regarding cases of attack, torture and imprisonment.
  • Provides an update on the Bangladeshi national who remained stuck in India due to lockdown and died in jail. MASUM filed one complaint before the National Human Rights Commission on 01.07.2020.
  • Accuses that the promises made by the government of India to the erstwhile enclave dwellers through the LBA (Land Boundary Agreement ) of 2015 has not been fulfilled, due to which the dwellers continue to live in conditions of acute penury.
  • Provides information on the stand taken by MASUM to support erstwhile enclave dwellers’ fight for their rights – done also through an online talk session with various researcher and activists.
  • Includes the case briefs of July 2020 – cases of torture by police or by the Border Security Force personnel, cases of marginalization of Erstwhile enclave, of Illegal arrest, restriction and detention, and cases of violation of the right to livelihood.
  • Offers a view on the activities and meetings done in a number of villages to discuss the working plan in the coming months, how life and livelihood has been restricted since the beginning of the lockdown and to provide food packets to the people who suffered loss from the ‘Amphan’ cyclone.


For the pdf version of the report click here