From Our Member Women’s Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC), Nepal – 336 Cases Of Violence Against Women And Girls Committed During Lockdown
21 May 2020 1:50 pm

19 May, Kathmandu. During this lockdown1, WOREC documented 336 cases of violence against women and girls from 33 districts2 of Nepal. In the previous weekonly, 83 cases of violence against women and children were recorded.

Among the recorded cases, 198 cases are of domestic violence, 29 cases of social violence, among social violence 14 cases are of forced marriage and child marriage, 11 cases blaming on character, 4 cases of mental torture by condemning as bokshi (witch). Similarly, 48 cases of rape, 10 cases of attempt to rape, 12 cases of sexual abuse, 5 cases of murder, and 2 cases are under investigation to figure out whether the cases are of suicide or murder, 16 cases of suicide, 2 cases of attempt to suicide. 2 cases of attempt to murder, 2 cases of human trafficking and 10 cases of cyber-crime were recorded.

The highest number of perpetrators to commit violence against women are husbands, followed by family members and neighbours. In 155 cases perpetrators are husbands, and in 67 cases perpetrators are family members. Among the cases, 66 cases have been committed by neighbours, 17 cases by family members, 7 by friends, 4 by the landlord and in 31 cases perpetrators are were not identified.

The highest number of perpetrators involved in violence are of age group 25-35 with number 112. Similarly, 84 perpetrators are of age group 36-45, 72 perpetrators of age group 17-25, perpetrators above 46 are 38, 2 perpetrators are below 16 and 39 perpetrators age has not still be identified.

The age analysis of these cases shows that women and girls aged 17-25 years have been most affected, 108 women and girls fall under this age group. Similarly, there are 103 women within the age group of 26-35 years, 47 within the age of 36-45. Likewise, 26 women are above 46 years and, 44 are below 16 years. The age of 8 of the survivor is not known.

Out of these documented cases, 159 have gone for registering complaint at the police station, 39 have gone to Mediation Committee, 41 have shifted to their parent’s/ relative’s house being unable to withstand violence and remaining 97 affected women and girls have not given complaints in any authorities for support.

WOREC has continued psychosocial counselling services, where 286 people affected mentally due to fear of COVID-19, and 308 survivors of gender-based violence received the counselling. Altogether psychosocial counsellors have facilitated 594 people through phone communication or in-person counselling session maintaining social distance.

These incidents have been documented through 3 hotlines run by WOREC and psychosocial counsellors, Women Human Right Defenders and community-based organizations. Among these 30 cases were collected from different media.


1       This monthly release includes cases of GBV during 24 March to 15 May, 2020. The total data includes an additional 19 incidents of vaw of previous weeks and documented this week only.

2       GBV cases were documented from following districts: 1 Dhanusha 33, Morang 59, Rukum 9, Kailali 40, Kanchanpur 1,  Dang 20, Kathmandu 11, Bhaktapur 1, Bardiya 12, Siraha 47, Saptari 1, Sarlahi 2, Udaypur 22, Sunsari 21, Banke 2, Syngja 2, Baglung 1, Mahotari 9 , Rauthat 4, Parsha 2, Terahthum 1, Okhaldhunga 1, Gulmi 1, Sindhuli 2,Solukhumby 1. Dhading 11, Bajhang 14, Gorkha 1, Lamjung 1, Humla 1, Kapilvastu 1, Salyan 1, Chitwan 1

3       10-15 May, 2020