From Our Member Think Centre, Singapore – Think Centre condemns the imminent execution of Hishamrudin Bin Mohd
16 March 2020 5:37 pm

Think Centre condemns the imminent execution of Hishamrudin Bin Mohd

16 March 2018

The execution of Hishamrudin Bin Mohd today will be the most dreadful execution to take place in Singapore since the amendment of the death penalty laws.

We are extremely horrified by the fact that Hishamrudin has struggled by self representing to defend his case all these years and is now going to be executed. Despite it being his own decision in discharging his appointed legal counsels, it does not in any way undermine the gravely alarming fact that he went to trial against a charge with a mandatory death sentence without full representation by legal counsel. Although he had assistance of a McKenzie friend, it in no way replaces a competent, appointed legal counsel, especially in capital offence trials.

We very regrettably note that in all public statements issued by the state on past executions, it has always emphasized the fact that the executed has gone through the full legal process including the clemency process.

Think Centre reiterates that the death penalty is an outdated and inappropriate punishment for any crimes, including drug trafficking which does not qualify as the most heinous crime under international law. We unreservedly condemn this execution.