From Our Member Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC), Nepal – Nepal Human Rights Yearbook 2020
20 February 2020 3:18 pm

It has been 28 years since the Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) began publishing the Human Rights Yearbook. The Yearbooks serves as a contemporary records of the changes that have taken place in the Nepal when it comes to human rights, including all important events.

INSEC’s databases and records have not only helped conflict-affected and those injured in different political movements people in seeking justice and reparation, but also continues to be of use to researchers.

The Human Rights Yearbook 2020 reviews the Human Rights situation in Nepal in 2019. Efforts have been made to visit the sites of violation to collect information and to cross-check that with State agencies, judicial and semi-judicial bodies. These efforts have contributed towards making the content of the yearbook both impartial and relevant.


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