From Our Member Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Timor-Leste – Committee A of the National Parliament gave consideration to the opinion paper of JSMP on the 2020 State Budget for the justice sector and will use this information when meeting with the relevant institutions
31 October 2019 5:02 pm

Press Release
National Parliament
30 October 2019

Committee A of the National Parliament gave consideration to the opinion paper of JSMP on the 2020 State Budget for the justice sector and will use this information when meeting with the relevant institutions

On Tuesday 29 October 2019 Committee A of the National Parliament had a meeting with the JSMP team to discuss the 2020 Draft State Budget, specifically the budget for the justice sector.

During this meeting the Acting Director of JSMP, Mr. Casimiro dos Santos, presented findings from the justice sector based on JSMP monitoring. These findings included the issue of facilities, human resources and human resource development or capacity building.

“JSMP really appreciates the National Parliament and Committee A in particular, for inviting us to attend this meeting in order to hear JSMP’s thoughts about the 2020 State Budget for the justice sector. JSMP hopes that the data or information presented by JSMP will be used by members of parliament as reference points when discussing the budget for the justice sector, so that a realistic budget can be allocated based on the existing needs and capacity to execute,” said the Acting Director of JSMP, Casimiro dos Santos.

JSMP also thanked Committee A of the National Parliament because this was the first time ever that JSMP has been able to appear before Committee A to share its thoughts about the draft State Budget in regards to the justice sector.

During this meeting the President of Committee A and the Vice President of Committee A, as well as members of other committees accepted the data provided by JSMP as accurate and factual relating to developments in the justice sector and they will use this information when engaging in discussion and debate with judicial actors as well as the relevant ministries about the draft State Budget for the justice sector.

Please refer to detailed information about JSMP’s opinion paper at:

For more information please contact:
Casimiro dos Santos
Acting Director of JSMP
HP: 77257466 | 3323883 E-mail: [email protected]


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