From Our Member Dignity – Kadyr-kassiyet (KK), Kazakhstan – Statement of Participants of “7th Platform for Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Civic Activists” Conference  
1 August 2019 4:57 pm

Statement of Participants of

“7th Platform for Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Civic Activists” Conference  

We, the participants of the “7th Platform for Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Civic Activists” conference, human rights defenders, journalists, civic activists, lawyers, members of trade union organizations, international and Kazakhstan non-governmental organizations and experts, guided by paragraph 1 of Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the constitutional rights to collective appeals to government authorities, hereby declare:

The policy of the authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at consolidating and retaining power through systematic unjustified restriction of civil and political human rights and freedoms has brought the country into a state of permanent political crisis. This also includes a lack of fair and free elections, as a result of which the authorities have lost touch with the society. Due to the dependence of the judicial system, adversarial court and the rule of law are not guaranteed, which deprives citizens of any opportunity to protect their rights and freedoms.

The following actions of the authorities of Kazakhstan are seen to be the way out of the current situation and the way to restore the citizens’ confidence:

  • termination of repressive policy in respect to their citizens;
  • political reform;
  • fulfillment of obligations undertaken to guarantee the fundamental human rights and freedoms;
  • creation of conditions for an open political process and diversity of opinions;
  • guarantees of fair and adversarial court for every person in the country.

In view of the above, we hereby demand that the following should be done:

  1. Create conditions for the enforcement of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly through the introduction of a notification system with the possibility to hold meetings in all open public places.
  2. Eliminate legislative restrictions on the establishment of public associations in accordance with international standards of human rights and freedoms.
  3. Ensure and guarantee the citizens’ electoral rights. Reform the electoral system with the possibility to elect a half of the Parliament Mazhilis membership by the majority voting system and return direct election of deputies of maslikhats. Introduce direct elections of akims at all levels and guarantee the right to local self-government in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government.
  4. Guarantee freedom of speech and expression in practice. Refuse the Internet control policy. Stop persecuting journalists and mass media.
  5. Guarantee independence of the judiciary through the organization of genuine self-government. Introduce the jury court of classical model and the institution of Justices of the Peace to be elected by citizens at the local level (biys).
  6. Establish the Constitutional Court to provide a person with the access to effective remedies within the country in case of violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms, to repeal of the laws of the Republic restricting human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of Kazakhstan.
  7. Release and stop the persecution of Kazakhstanis convicted for political reasons: Yerlan Baltabay, Aron Yedygeyev, Max Bokayev, Mukhtar Dzhakishev, Larissa Kharkova, Nurbek Kushakbayev, Amin Yeleussinov, Iskander Yerimbetov, Asset Abishev, Almat Zhumagulov, Kenzhebek Abishev and other human rights defenders and civic activists.


  1. Azhenova G.A.
  2. Alzhanova J.
  3. Alzhanov D.
  4. Antipin V.I.
  5. Aspandiyarova M.Kh.
  6. Akhmedyarov L.S.
  7. Balgabayeva J.
  8. Gabdualiyev M.
  9. Daribayeva A.S.
  10. Dzhivaga A.
  11. Ibrayeva A.N.
  12. Izbassarova A.
  13. Ilyashev A.
  14. Ismanov S.
  15. Kaliyeva D.I.
  16. Karimov M.K.
  17. Kildishov A.
  18. Kovlyagina S.R.
  19. Krestyanskiy G.
  20. Kulmagambetova D.
  21. Nurmasheva R.K.
  22. Makazhanov S.
  23. Makimbay B.
  24. Orazbayeva G.
  25. Rubakhova O.V.
  26. Serzhan G.
  27. Suvorova E.
  28. Suleymenova S.
  29. Syzdykov O.T.
  30. Tenizbayev S.M.
  31. Turganbekov A.
  32. Kharkova L.
  33. Tskhai E.A.
  34. Delemenchuk Olexandra, Ukraine
  35. Vitko Daniel, Poland
  36. Jieun Lee, South Korea
  37. Leong Sze Hian, Singapore

1 August 2019, Borovoye, Kazakhstan


For a PDF version of this statement, click here