National workshops planned for CSO to comment on ASEAN Human Rights Body terms of reference
4 February 2009 7:00 pm

asean_copy.jpgFORUM-ASIA, together with the Solidarity for Asian People's Advocacy Task Force on ASEAN and Human Rights (SAPA TFAHR), is organizing a series of national workshops for civil society representatives to comment on the first draft of  Terms of Reference (TOR) of the ASEAN Human Rights Body (AHRB).

The AHRB is the first regional mechanism on human rights in Southeast Asia.
The purposes of the national workshops includes obtaining comments on the first draft, gathering inputs for its second draft of the TOR AHRB, which is planned to be finalized in July 2009 and country's statements to be released on or after 2 March.
The inputs will be compiled and submitted to the High Level Panel in their meeting with CSOs in Hua Hin, scheduled tentatively on 27 Feb 2009.
1. Thailand: 31 January 2009 in Bangkok, organized by Thailand Focal Point, People's Empowerment;
2. Burma-border: 2 February 2009 in Mae Sot, organized by Burma's Focal Point, HRIEB (Human Rights Education Institute of Burma) and Altsean (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma);
3. Malaysia: 4-5 February 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, organized by Malaysia's Focal Point, SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia);
4. Philippines: 13 February 2009 in Manila, organized by the Philippines' Focal Point, TFDP (Task Force Detainees of the Philippines) and PAHRA (Philippines Alliance of Human Rights Advocates);
5. Indonesia: 12 February 2009 in Jakarta, organized by Indonesia's Focal Point, HRWG (Human Rights Working Group) and Kalyanamitra;
6. Cambodia: 16 February 2009 in Phnom Penh organized by Cambodia's Focal Point,  ADHOC(Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association);
7. Vietnam: 9 February 2009 in Hanoi, organized by Vietnamese Lawyers Association (VLA);
8. Vietnam:  12-15 February and 16-24 February,  Disable People International – Asia Pacific
 will organize their consultation twice to comment on the fisrt draft of terms of refernce;
9. Thematic – Gender: 18-19 February 2009 in Bangkok, organized by Gender Focal Point (APWLD) Asia Pacific Women Law and Development and IWRAW (International Women's Rights Action Watch).

More schedule of meetings related to ASEAN and others can be found below, under the 'ANNOUNCEMENT' section.