Statement on harassment allegations against a staff member of FORUM-ASIA’s member organisation
19 October 2018 7:00 pm

We have noted through social media that an allegation of sexual harassment has been raised against a staff member associated with People’s Watch, of Centre for the Promotion of Social Concern, a member organisation of FORUM-ASIA, based in Madurai, India.

We appreciate that People’s Watch has taken immediate cognisance of the allegation by swiftly initiating a formal investigation into the allegation and by removing the alleged staff member from his position with People’s Watch.

Following our Policy on Sexual and Gender Based Harassment at Work Place and in upholding our policy of zero tolerance for any form of sexual and gender-based harassment, FORUM-ASIA has decided to suspend all engagements with the alleged person with immediate effect and until the investigation has reached a conclusion, upon which FORUM-ASIA will review the situation.

We call upon all our member organisations to bring into full practice, policies against sexual and gender-based harassment and to develop frameworks that will prevent sexual and gender-based harassment at the respective work places.




Urantsooj Gombosuren


For a PDF version of this statement, click here.