From Our Member MASUM, India – Human Rights Report (May 2018)
5 June 2018 11:31 am

FORUM-ASIA member from India, Banglar Manabadhikar Surakksha Mancha (MASUM) published its monthly human rights report for May 2018.

MASUM made 11 complaints before the relevant authorities and human rights institutions; especially National Human Rights Commission during the month of May 2018. During the period, seven replies and one update have been made to National Human Rights Commission. Out of 11 complaints; one about enforced disappearance of a person from BSF custody, one about torture by Border Security Force, one about illegal roping and handcuffing of accused during production before the court, one about custodial death and seven about marginalization of enclave dwellers. Total numbers of victims in regular complaints were 66; out of that 25 were Muslims, 41 belong to Schedule Castes community. 35 were male and 31 women. In complaints regarding marginalization of enclave dwellers and illegal roping and handcuffing; the numbers of affected was in numbers and not calculated as number of victim.

For a PDF version of the report, click here.