The Southeast Asia Freedom of Religion or Belief Conference (SEA FoRB III)
1 November 2017 3:22 pm

The Southeast Asia Freedom of Religion or Belief Conference (SEA FoRB III) is an assembly of religious freedom advocates who are dedicated to promote religious freedom in Southeast Asia.

This is the third time the conference has been convened. The first conference was held in October 2015 in Bangkok and resulted in a Declaration of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Southeast Asia. The second conference was held in Dili, East Timor in August 2016 and secured commitment from participants to develop long-term action plans to further advance and promote freedom of religion or belief.

The 2017 conference, to be held in Manila on November 7 & 8, aims to adopt a more hands-on approach and to involve wider participation from influential leaders and key stakeholders. On November 9, participants will join side meetings to develop country-specific strategies.

For more information, check out the website of the conference here.