From Our Member Odhikar, Bangladesh – “Slap on the Wrist: Impunity for Human Rights Violations against Santal Community Members in Bangladesh”
25 July 2017 12:17 pm

Slap on the Wrist: Impunity for Human Rights Violations against Santal Community Members in Bangladesh

FORUM-ASIA’s member from Bangladesh, Odhikar, together with FIDH and Asian Human Rights Commission published a joint report entitled “Slap on the Wrist: Impunity for Human Rights Violations against Santal Community Members in Bangladesh”, based on a fact-finding mission conducted by Odhikar from 19-22 November 2016. The report focuses on a series of attacks against members of the Santal community in Gaibandha District by police and state-owned company workers in connection with Santal ancestral land claims.

For the PDF version of this report, click here.