Regional Dialogue on ‘Regional Human Rights Mechanism in South Asia’ Kathmandu, Nepal, 6-7 April 2017
4 April 2017 6:40 pm

From 6-7 April 2017, the Asian Forum for Human Rigths and Development (FORUM-ASIA) together with the Regional Initiative for a South Asian Human Rights Mechanism (RISAHRM) will hold the Regional Dialogue on ‘“Regional Human Rights Mechanism in South Asia”  in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Regional Dialogue will critically review and reflect on-going efforts towards the establishment of a regional human rights mechanism in South Asia, and explore ways to evolve broad-based advocacy strategies and alliances to respond to these pressing challenges in partnership and collaboration with other actors and movements.

The Regional Initiative for a South Asian Human Rights Mechanism (RISAHRM) was established in 2012 in New Delhi, India. Its aim is to launch and coordinate advocacy and awareness campaigns towards the establishment of a regional human rights mechanism in South Asia to bridge national processes and regional aspirations expressed in the Charter of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

RISAHRM is led by a Task Force that comprises individuals of repute in South Asia. Almost all countries in South Asia are represented in the Task Force. Current members are: Dr. Sima Samar (Afghanistan, Convenor), Subodh Pyakurel (Nepal, Co-Convenor), Dr. Mizanur Rahaman (Bangladesh), Dr. Rinchen Chophel (Bhutan), Henri Tiphagne (India), Dr. Ibrahim Ismail (the Maldives), Hina Jilani (Pakistan) and Nimalka Fernando (Sri Lanka).